
Saturday 13 December 2014

Writing activity 4th Year: Black Friday vs Buy Nothing Day

We recently did a shopping survey about our buying and consuming habits. You can check page 38 in your Students Book. It coincided in time with the week in which Black Friday and Buy Nothing Day were held and we briefly talked about these events in class. As a follow-up activity, read the entry on Buy Nothing Day in Wikipedia and watch the two videos below.  After that, write an opinion article on this topic. Your article should be around 120-150 words. Don't forget to use the phrases we have revised in class, like in my opinion, from my point of view, personally, I think that, I agree, and so on.
You can work on the article over the Christmas holidays and hand it after the break on January 8th 2015 or you can email it to me.

Friday 12 December 2014

More than welcome!

I am opening this little space in the universe of the Internet with the intention of offering you, students of English in Salesianos La Almunia, a tool to keep practising English together. All your comments and suggestions will be "more than welcome" and I am really looking forward to them.
Let's go, guys!